As an extra credit question on today's reading quiz on a certain book (my kids are blogging about it, and they don't need to find this blog--so I'll err on the side of extreme caution), I asked them to tell me the setting, time and place. Most got it right, Brooklyn in the early 1900s. Some even got it more specific, from 1902-1919.
But then, as an extra credit bit, I asked what the librarian keeps on her desk. The answer should have been something about seasonal flowers, but I got four children that said "a computer."
I guess technology has been integrated to the point that they can't imagine life ever existed without it.
And their teacher, who is only about fifteen years older than them, can vividly remember getting her first Apple IIc and Apple IIe.
Maybe I'm just young, but that seems like some fast moving.
This week's vocabulary words came from the lyrics on Andrew Bird's latest album Armchair Apocrypha. I was listening to the album on a car trip this weekend, and often I was entraced by Bird's word choice: premonition, apropos, palindromes, mitosis, quantify, malcontent, osmosis, wrought, pratfalls, morbid, elation, maelstroms, pundit, etc. I make a big deal about learning vocab that they encounter in real life, and usually they pick the words, but this week time was short, so they got my experience instead.
I tried to explain how cool all of this was, but I'm afraid they are too into Soulja Boy to get it.
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