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Atwood and Old Willie Shakes are the only two remaining on my list. Here are the New 8, which are my favorites from the most recent 25 books I've marked as mine on Amazon. (How interesting! Maybe others can try the same method. Just go to Your Store and click on the link at the top which should say "Recommendations for you are based on x items you own and more.")

Bob Dylan
Jon Stewart
William Penn
John Bellairs
Margery Williams
Marcella Genz
Lemony Snicket
Thomas D. Hamm


Good. I like this system. When listmaking or bookshelf organizing, I like a system. I wanted to list the last 10 I've read, my 10 favorite, or 10 I'd love to teach. My list ended up a little bit of all of those. Here's my amazon one in their appearing order (you can tell I've been looking at all those classroom classics and checking out the related books function...):

1. George Orwell
2. Nathaniel Hawthorne
3. J.D. Salinger
4. Sir Thomas More
5. David Sedaris
6. Geoffrey Chaucer
7. Tom Stoppard
8. Frederick Douglass
9. Toni Morrisson
10. Eva Hoffman


Gosh. I can't meet the requirements of this meme.

I live in temporary accommodation, and there's only three books on my bookshelf: Jeffrey Eugenides (Middlesex), Jonathan Franzen (The Corrections), and Alain de Botton (Status Anxiety). They're all library books, too.

I do possess a few thousand books other than these, but they've been inaccessible to me for a few years now. Sorry1


Yikes! I would dearly miss having my stuff all around me. Books, cats and music must be piled high at all times. To be randomly in another part of the world, however, I'm sure makes up for spartan living.

I loved Middlesex.


I have the cats, and I have Middlesex - glad you liked it, as it was my all-time favourite book of 2004, so all is not lost. Happy New Year!

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